All about optimising visual identity and designs
Why optimise visual identity and designs?
Are you creating a new brand identity? Asking people to rank your different designs can help you land on the right look and feel for your brand.
Testing different visual materials give you the chance to ensure your visual material is in line with your brand identity goals.

Why is optimising visual identity and designs important?
People respond to visual cues faster than written text. When a person accesses your website or sees your ad, they’ll have lots of interpretations of it - even before they know what it’s about.
You can optimise your brand’s visual identity and designs through a MaxDiff test, where respondents are asked to choose their favourite designs from 6–30 alternatives.
The results will then show the preferred design or the design most in line with your brand identity, so you can choose the right visual elements.
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Head of Consumer Insight at Valio
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Rauni Strandman
Innovation Manager at Anora
"A new kind of agile and cost-effective way to gain consumer feedback."
Hanna Korhonen
Marketing Director at Cloetta

When to optimise visual identity and designs
- Choosing a direction for design, colour and/or style.
- Identifying key brand assets.
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Methods related to optimising visual identity and designs
How does it work?
MaxDiff helps identify consumer segments and why certain consumers are attracted to certain products. It uses an indirect questioning technique to ask respondents to choose their favourite from a subset of attributes and uses statistical modelling to estimate the utility respondents assign to each attribute.
Cluster Analysis
Segmentation helps identify homogeneous segments with unique preferences, as well as understand the interrelationship between needs or drivers. It allows you to uncover the preference of different attributes for a particular segment that may be different from the market as a whole.
TURF Analysis
TURF is a method that can be used to gain insights about market potential and optimal portfolio strategy given limited resources, as it shows the incremental reach of adding an option to the existing portfolio.
NLP (Natural Language Processing)
Including open-ended questions in a survey can generate thousands of sentences to make sense of. But this isn’t a problem with Cambri’s proprietary NLP solution. In a matter of seconds, you’ll get an understanding of what consumers are talking about, and whether the sentiment is positive, negative or neutral.
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“We use Cambri to quantify the results we get from a focus group, to test packaging designs, identify how a product would best be introduced to the market, and much more.”

Julia Neergaard Laursen
Innovation Projects Lead at Nestlé Nordics
“It has been very convenient that our copywriter has been able to use the results from Cambri to inform their work. As we now know what style of messaging works and does not work, we can tailor all of our brand assets accordingly.”

Sanna Dooley
Chief Commercial Officer
“The best part of Cambri is that we get results very fast. It’s also cost-effective: we can get reliable results with a reasonable investment.”

Anna Häkämies
Head of Product Development and Partner at Solar Foods